Create a Custom Contact View
Creating a custom contact view allows users to filter and display specific contact properties based on their needs. This feature helps in organizing and managing contacts more efficiently by showing only relevant information, making it easier to analyze and engage with specific groups of contacts.
Usage: It is used to streamline contact management and enhance productivity by allowing quick access to tailored information.
Steps to create a custom contact view using filters-
To filter and sort contacts in Wabo, follow these steps:
Navigate to the Contact Module:
On the left-hand side, go to the Contact Module.
Open Filter Options:
Click on the Column icon beside the Add Contact button.
Select Contact Properties:
Choose the contact properties you want to filter by or display. You can also drag and reorder the properties for better organization.
Apply Filters:
Once you’ve selected the desired properties, click Save.
Your contact list will now display only selected properties.
By using these filters, you can quickly sort and find the specific contacts you’re looking for based on their properties.