Contact Properties

What are contact Properties?


Contact Properties are customizable fields used to store specific details about a contact, such as email addresses, phone numbers, or custom information. These fields help manage and organize contact data effectively for personalized engagement.


How can I create contact Properties?

To create Contact Properties, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to Settings→ Data Management→ Click on Contact Properties→ Select and Click on Custom Field
  • Enter the Details: Select 'Custom field type' (ie. text email, number)
    • Custom Field is a field that allows you to define and store specific information related to contacts, such as additional phone numbers or job titles. You can choose from various types of custom fields based on the data you need to collect.
    • Here’s a breakdown of the available custom field types:

Custom Field Type



Text Stores a single line of text input. Ideal for short info like names or job titles. Contact Name, Job Title
Text Area Stores longer text entries, allowing multiple lines. Suitable for detailed notes or addresses. Contact Notes, Address
Number Stores numeric data, including integers or decimals. Used for storing figures. Age, Order Number
Date  Captures specific dates such as birthdays or events.  Birthday, Signup Date
Email Stores valid email addresses with proper format verification. Contact's Email Address
Phone Number Stores phone numbers, supporting different formats.  Mobile Number, Office Number 
Dropdown Provides a list of predefined options to select one. Preferred Contact Method (Email, SMS)
Checkbox Allows a yes/no or true/false selection. Subscribed to Newsletter (Yes/No)
Radio Button Displays multiple options at once, with only one selection allowed. Contact Type (Lead, Customer)
Multi-select Dropdown Enables selection of multiple predefined options. Areas of Interest (Marketing, Sales)
Landline Stores Landline numbers, supporting different formats.   Landline Number, Office Number
  • Assign a Label or Name to the contact property.
  • You also need to mark it as required (mandatory), read-only (not editable), or set it to be visible in the contact form (shown when adding a contact).
  • Add a tooltip for additional guidance and placeholder text to provide an example or instruction within the field.

  • Save the Property: Once completed, click 'Save' to finalize the new property.
  • Manage Existing Properties: You can also edit or delete other properties by clicking on the pen (edit) or bin (delete) icons.

This process allows you to customize and manage fields specific to your contact data needs, ensuring more effective organization.

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