How to sign-up on
To create an account on, follow these simple steps:
1. Go to the Signup Page
- Visit to Signup page.
2. Fill in the Required Details
First Name: Enter your first name.
Last Name: Enter your last name.
Business Name: Provide your business name.
Business Domain: Enter your business domain.
Mobile Number: Enter a valid mobile number.
Work Email: Provide your work email address.
Password: Create a strong password.
Confirm Password: Re-enter your password for confirmation.
3. Complete the Registration
- After entering all the details, click on the Register button.
4. Verification Process
The system will verify your email and mobile number to ensure they are:
Not already registered.
Valid and correct.
You will receive an activation link on your provided email. Click on it to verify your account.
5. Sign-Up Completed
After successful verification, your registration is complete.
You can now log in to and start using the platform!