Deploy the WhatsApp Bot

Once your bot is ready, you can deploy it by selecting the bot and activating it for users on WhatsApp. This ensures the bot is live and able to handle customer interactions automatically.

Steps to Deploy the WhatsApp Bot on a Website:

  1.   Go to Bot Builder:

    • Navigate to the Bot Builder module.

  1.   Access Configure Section:

    • In the Bot Builder, click on the Configure section.

  1.  Go to Deploy Scripts Section:

    • In the Configure section, find and select the Deploy Scripts option.

  1.  Copy the Script:

    • Copy the provided script from this section.

  1.  Paste the Script in the Header Section:

    • Paste the copied script into the header section of your website's HTML or relevant platform.

This will successfully deploy your WhatsApp bot and make it live on your website or platform, allowing it to interact with users.

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