
What is a Segment?

A segment in Wabo is a dynamic group of contacts filtered based on specific criteria. Segments allow you to organize and target contacts based on their properties, behaviors, or any custom-defined conditions.

How to Create a Segment:

  1. Navigate to the Contact Module:

    • Go to the Contact Module and select the Segment section.

    • A list of existing segments will appear.

  2. Create a New Segment:

    • Click on Create Segment.

  3. Enter Segment Details:

    • Enter a Segment Name.

  4. Add Conditions:

    • Set up conditions using And/Or logic.

    • Select a Contact Property (e.g., Name, Email, Lifecycle Stage).

    • Define the condition using options like is, is not, is empty, etc.

  5. Add Multiple Conditions (Optional):

    • You can add multiple conditions to refine the segment.

  6. Save the Segment:

    • Once all conditions are set, click Save to create the segment.

Your new segment will now display contacts that meet the specified criteria.


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